The Commands for the Battletech Bot! all commands will return the results in the window they were typed in roll *d +/- : rolls dice... a is the times to roll... x is the amount of dice... y is the dice type... z is the modifier... is optional if you leave it out do not place the * is optional if you leave it out do not place the - or + Hit : rolls a hit location Where loc is = to left, right, front, back, or rear. is the amount of times hit... default 1 if left off AsLoc : rolls a AiroSpace hit location Where loc is = to Fore, Aft, Left, Right, or A/B. Punch : punch location Where loc is = to left, right, front, back, or rear. is the amount of times hit... default 1 if left off Kick : kick location rolling Where loc is = to left, right, front, back, or rear. is the amount of times hit... default 1 if left off Missile : rolls for missle hits = number in the salvo = A : for artemis or N for NARC Beacon Crit : for possible crits times init ... : where are the individuals rolling initiative ams : ams... where x is the amount of missiles incomeing and is clan or laser if apropriate slot : to find what slot got hit.... guess the rest # : for calling up a stored key (like "help") key can only be added from the bot configuration screen on the bot